League News


Bussey Auto Brokers Penguins Christmas Spirit

The players on the Bussey Auto Brokers Penguins had an idea to give back to the community and raise $50 each on their own without it coming from the Parents or their own pay cheques. They all had some great ideas: bottle drives, cleaning cars, selling chocolates, selling gift cards and making beautiful Christmas wreaths. We had planned to raise $900 but the girls took this challenge to a whole new level and raised over $2000, amazing!!
They adopted a family of four and a family of two and proceeded to go shopping. They were split into groups, given a budget and a child to buy for and off they went. Here are the end results plus $350 of gift certificates for each family.


There are so many life lessons to learn when playing any given sport but giving back to people in need takes it to another level and as Parents and coaches there are not enough words to express how proud we are of these amazing young athletes!
A big thank you to Jessy's pizza Main street Dartmouth and Coca-Cola for supplying pizza/beverages to ensuring the girls have enough energy to wrap all the presents.
Merry Christmas,


Dec 16, 2021