League News



Northern Subway Selects traveled to Brampton last weekend, and came away as the Champions of the 2 Nations Cup.

Dec 6, 2022


Members of the Hockey Nova Scotia board of directors have been closely monitoring the actions of Hockey Canada in recent months and have expressed concerns to the national governing body during this period of time.

In their latest step, Hockey Nova Scotia’s board of directors met today for an emergency meeting.

Following that meeting, the board issued the following statement:

Hockey Nova Scotia has lost confidence in Hockey Canada’s senior leadership.

Hockey families and non-hockey families alike agree: Change is needed at the highest levels of the game.

Therefore, Hockey Nova Scotia is formally suspending the transfer of participant assessment fees to Hockey Canada for the 2022-23 season.

Until our values at Hockey Nova Scotia are reflected by Hockey Canada’s senior leadership, we simply cannot support hockey’s national governing body.

Hockey Nova Scotia remains committed to working with our dedicated network of volunteers across the province to offer the best programs possible for our membership.


To see this on the Hockey Nova Scotia webpage click here


Oct 7, 2022


We are honored to bring the 2021-22 season to a close with the presentation of the major award winners for each province.  Before getting to those presentations, we want to once again congratulate all of the teams on a great season.

Particular congratulations go out to the NB Champions, EDZA West Reds, and the NS Champions, Northern Subway Selects.  You both represented the league incredibly well at the Atlantic Championships.  And to the Selects, a great job at the Esso Cup in Okotoks, Alberta!

Now, it is time to name the major award winners.


NB Awards Winner Team
Top Goalie Audrey Levesque EDZA East Rockets
Top Defence Janie Caissie EDZA East Rockets
Top Scorer Audrey Clavette EDZA West Reds
Most Sportsmanlike Ella Lawrence EDZA West Reds
League MVP Audrey Clavette EDZA West Reds
Rookie of the Year Isabelle Michaud EDZA West Reds
Coach of Year Abby Clarke EDZA West Reds


NS Awards Winner Team
Top Goalie (tie) Gabby Arsenault Northern Selects
Top Goalie (tie) Lucy Phillips Western Capitals
Top Defence Bree MacPherson Northern Selects
Top Scorer Sara Stewart Northern Selects
Most Sportsmanlike (tie) Sophie Pomeroy Western Capitals
Most Sportsmanlike (tie) Johnanna Turton Busseys Penquins
League MVP Sara Stewart Northern Selects
Rookie of the Year Rylee Bennett Western Capitals
Coach of Year Craig Clarke Northern Selects

Congratulations to all of our winners, and we look forward to another great season this fall!

Jun 3, 2022


Earlier this afternoon we introduced the 2021-22 Rookie All-Stars for the MMFHL.  We are now proud to announce the All-Star Teams for the 2021-22 season.  

As there are four teams in Nova Scotia and 2 teams in New Brunswick, the decision was made to name a first and second All-Star team from NS, to represent the fact that we have twice as many players from that province.



NB All Star Team Winner Team
Goalie Kristy Michaud EDZA West Reds
Defence Nicole Ferguson EDZA West Reds
Defence Monica Richard EDZA East Rockets
Forward Emilie Cormier EDZA East Rockets
Forward Beatrice Bitting-Leger EDZA East Rockets
Forward Hannah Harvey EDZA West Reds



NS 1st All Star Team Winner Team
Goalie Jorja Borrows Northern Selects
Defence Sarah Fraser Northern Selects
Defence Maja Kolanko Western Capitals
Forward Brooke Thomson Northern Selects
Forward Samantha Morrison Cape Breton Lynx
Forward Jaylen Langille Northern Selects


NS 2nd All Star Team Winner Team
Goalie Claire Zettler Western Capitals
Defence Kiara Keddy Bussey Penguins
Defence Leila Ludyka Cape Breton Lynx
Forward Samantha Taylor Western Capitals
Forward Lauren Smith Bussey Penquins
Forward Brooke Henderson Bussey Penquins


Congratulations to all of these players on a fantastic 2021-22 season.

Jun 3, 2022


The Maritime Major Female Hockey League is proud to announce the Rookie All-Star teams for the 2021-22 season.  

Jun 3, 2022

2022 U15 AAA Female Atlantics

The 2022 U15 AAA Female Atlantics were held this weekend at the Pictou County Wellness center.  

Bronze Medalists - Quad County Whitecaps:

2022-U15-AAA-Female Atlantics-BRONZEWINNERS-01-web

Gold Medalists - Central Storm:

2022-U15-AAA-Female Atlantics-GOLDWINNERS-01-web 2022-U15-AAA-Female Atlantics-GOLDWINNERS-02-web

Photos Courtsey of Matt Robinson Photography.

Please visit client.MomentsMattR.com for hundreds of tournament photos.

May 2, 2022