League News



Earlier today, the province announced that beginning next week, COVID-19 restrictions will be eased over three phases. To read the complete release from the province, please click here.

Phase 1 will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, Feb, 14 and the following restrictions impacting hockey will go into effect:

  • Groups of up to 60 are now permitted in the field of play.
  • Teams can have practices and regular league games (see explanation below).
  • Competition is limited to regular league games. This refers to the current league that your team is playing in. If a game is part of your team’s regular league or competitive schedule, it is allowed. Bringing together teams that typically do not play one another is not allowed.
  • Tournaments are still not permitted.
  • Physical distancing is not required in the field of play; masks are recommended at all times when not on the ice surface.
  • Spectators are allowed up to the formal gathering limit; the formal gathering limit for gatherings is 50 per cent of capacity indoors. Capacities will vary by facility. Please check with your local rink. (NOTE: While today’s press release states that fitness, recreation and leisure businesses and organizations can operate at 75 per cent capacity and references arenas, we have clarified with the province that this section does not apply to hockey or spectators at a hockey game).

We know today’s update will be welcome news for our members as we return to game action. We are hopeful that we will continue to trend in the right direction. Phase 1 is the first step in a three phase reopening plan and each phase is expected to last about a month. We understand that the situation will be evaluated on a week-to-week basis and we will provide more information to you as soon as we have it.

We will also be providing an update later this month on how this will impact the remainder of the season (including provincial tournaments and other events).

Please continue to follow the protocols and thank you all for your continued support. As always, we appreciate your efforts and commitment to keeping everyone on the ice.

Feb 10, 2022


The province announced that beginning on Monday, Feb. 7, restrictions are easing for sports practices and arts and culture rehearsals. All other restrictions will remain in place until Feb. 14. To read the full news release from the province, please click here.

This means that as of Monday, teams will be able to have full-team practice with up to 25 people indoors in the field of play. However, multiple groups and games will not be permitted.

Spectators are still not permitted in the facility.

As Public Health continue to advise against travel outside the province unless it is essential, Hockey Nova Scotia will not be permitting teams to leave the province for games and tournaments.

At this time, the only Nova Scotia-based teams permitted to play outside of the province are teams in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL) and teams in the Maritime Hockey League (MHL). This is because both the QMJHL and MHL are considered businesses.

Feb 5, 2022


Earlier today, the provincial government announced that the current provincewide restrictions would be extended until Feb. 14. To read the full press release from the province, please click here.

During the update, however, Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia, noted that, "We’ll continue to monitor closely and recognizing the importance of activities like sports, arts and culture to mental and physical health, we will open those activities sooner if possible."

Premier Tim Houston also mentioned that, "The goal that we're… working towards is to relax some restrictions in arts and culture."

He indicated that, depending on the hospitalization rate and the continued success of the booster campaign, the following could be allowed in the coming weeks:

  • sports teams could be allowed to resume full practices with their entire teams "around Feb. 7"
  • competitions and games could be permitted by Feb. 14

This is the goal of the province but a firm plan is not currently in place yet.

As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will continue to work with Public Health and the province to get safely back to game action as soon as possible.

Jan 27, 2022


With the current restrictions impacting hockey remaining in effect until at least the end of the month, we wanted to pass along some additional information that our associations, leagues, and teams may find helpful during these challenging times.

Public Health guidelines for positive cases and close contacts

If a member of your team tests positive for COVID-19, that individual must follow the steps laid out here by Public Health.

After a positive test, a team safety rep (or team manager) should be contacted to inform the team of the positive case. Those who have been in contact with the player (i.e.: exposed to COVID-19) would be considered close contacts. Public Health’s recommendations for close contacts can be found here and must be followed. The instructions can vary by age, vaccination status, and whether or not you have recently recovered from COVID-19.

Again, please familiarize yourself with this close contacts resource from Public Health.

Testing/Rapid Tests

Testing: Anyone seeking testing must first complete an online assessment to determine whether they need a test and which type. If testing is recommended, they must book an appointment. Testing for the purposes of returning to activity/play is not a valid reason to access a test.

For information on testing, please click here.

Rapid Tests: Rapid tests can be picked up at various pop-up locations across the province, which are set up as walk-ins and do not require the same pre-screening. Accessing rapid tests to supply to entire teams will not be possible.

A list of sites operating weekly can be found here: https://www.nshealth.ca/coronavirus/covid-19-rapid-testing                                                                           

Hockey Nova Scotia Dressing Room Supervision Policy (Two-Deep Rule)

We realize that the current restrictions have posed challenges for teams trying to adhere to our dressing room supervision policy. We have been in touch with our colleagues at the province to express these concerns. As a result of these conversations, we have received approval to allow a safety rep (or similarly qualified individual who meets the requirements of the policy) to serve as a dressing room supervisor prior to the start of practice.

These individuals should minimize the time spent in the dressing room/field of play area, remain physically-distanced (at least six feet apart) from participants and coaches, and wear a mask at all times. The individual serving in this role should remain as consistent as possible from session to session.

Association and league safety reps should contact their local facilities to inform them of the additional person in the field of play.

Groups of 10

Associations, leagues and teams are reminded that more than one (1) group of 10 is allowed on the ice during a practice as long as the cohorts are distanced from each other the entire time. There can be no mixing of cohorts during the session. The ice surface would have to allow for distancing between the cohorts. Groups should also use staggered entry into the facility and onto the field of play, separate change rooms, etc.

Again, we want to stress that coaches and players cannot switch groups during the on-ice session.

While it will not always be possible, groups should aim to remain as consistent as possible from one practice to the next.

Provincial Member Call reminder

Our next provincial member call will take place on Jan. 31, 2022. We will send out more information on this upcoming call later this month. Please save the date.


Jan 13, 2022


On January 5, the province announced that the restrictions currently in place, including those impacting hockey, will remain in effect until at least January 31, 2022. 


To read today’s update from the province, please click here.


We will pass along any new updates to you as soon as we have them.


Jan 6, 2022


On Tuesday, Dec. 21, the province announced new gathering limit restrictions across Nova Scotia that will significantly impact hockey. To read the complete announcement from the province, please click here.

Updated Dec 23 with clarification regarding the current restrictions limiting sport and recreation to groups of 10.

The following restrictions are effective at 6 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 22 and will remain in place until at least Jan. 12, 2022:

  • only virtual events are allowed – there are no in-person events such as festivals, social events, special events (including receptions), sports games or tournaments, or arts and culture performances
  • a limit of 10 participants indoors and 25 outdoors applies to sports practices and training; physical distance is not required, and masks are recommended when possible indoors and outdoors; spectators are not allowed
  • Nova Scotia children ages 11 and younger continue to be restricted from participating in sports and arts and culture events outside the province


Today’s announcement will greatly impact our teams, associations, and leagues over the next few weeks. As of tomorrow morning, the following will take effect:

  • Games and tournaments are not permitted
  • A maximum of 10 participants (including coaches and instructors) will be permitted in the field of play for practices and training; physical distancing is not required during these sessions, but masks are required everywhere in the facility but on the ice
    • The province has provided the following clarification regarding the current restrictions limiting sport and recreation to groups of 10: more than one cohort of 10 is allowed as long the cohorts are distanced from each other the entire time. There can be no intermingling of cohorts so the space would have to allow for distancing between cohorts, staggered entry into the facility and onto the field of play, separate change rooms, etc.
    • This means that effective immediately, a team could practice in separate groups of up to 10 (including coaches and instructors) on the ice at the same time, but you would need to ensure that the groups (including coaches and instructors) are completely separated from the time they arrive at the facility until the time they leave. Players could not switch groups (ex: players are not permitted to spend half a practice with one group and then spend the other half with the other group) during the practice. You would also need to ensure that you have enough space to be able to do so at all times in the facility and on the field of play.
  • Spectators will be not be permitted at any activities
  • Travel restrictions remain in effect that prohibit children age 11 and younger from entering or leaving Nova Scotia to participate in sports

We understand the past week, like the past two years, has been challenging. We appreciate all of your efforts to keep our players on the ice during these very difficult times. We will pass along any updates to you as soon as we have them.

We hope you all stay healthy and safe during this holiday season.

Dec 22, 2021